Sport fishing kayaks surfing, set to really truly enjoy full suit. Prostitution, for pleasure, I understand that the suit from the owner of a fish and you stick all of the necessary security equipment, storage equipment, and landed right to send your fingertips. Such joy of the fish to create a little bit of planning, your kayak from your experience how to create a positive one! As in the fishing boat, fishing, kayaking reflect the broad spectrum of different techniques, gear, and how fishing rigs and fishing to suit personal preferences. In the past few years due to rapid popularity of kayak fishing that has occurred, and many special kayak manufacturer - providing equipment, "Fishing model" building - the bar features holder, compartments, and the layout of the kayak particularly suitable for surfing a fisherman. First, the most popular fishing and kayaking are ahead for the dry storage compartment and the rear tank - well, deck or recess, the location and use of the equipment for dealing with a stick like a box holders, bait tanks, or fish in the pockets. My kayak in the ocean kayaking riding drainage procedure.